WOW! You guys should have read the Wednesday Wizard book because the book was so interesting. I am in group Wednesday Wizard for novel study and this is how it went also Hope you enjoy. : )
The Wednesday Wizard #1
Written by Sherryl Jordan
When you work:
- Use full sentences in every answer
- Check the story carefully for your answers
- Be ready to explain your answers
Week 1: Chapters 1 to 4
Front Cover: List all the thing you can see on the front cover.
On the front cover I can see a boy with a little compass or something
Prediction: What do you think this story is going to be about?
I think that this story is going to be about a wizard that comes on Wednesday and is called the Wednesday wizard that might ruin everything
Chapter 1: The Witch’s Warning
1. What did Denzil think would happen to his powers if he became a thief?
Denzil thought this would happen if he became a thief, He will lose his powers and if people caught him stealing something then they will chop his hands off. √
2. Why do you think that Denzil preferred to be thought of as a burglar than a thief?
Denzil preferred burglar because a burglar sounds more honourable than a thief √
3. Why was Denzil desperate for food?
Denzil was desperate for food because His boss √
4. The old woman is called Mother Wyse. What does her last name tell the reader about her? 
Mother Wyse’s name tells us that she is very wise.
5. Give reasons that Denzil wanted to get food from Mother Wyse
Denzil went to Mother Wyse to get food because she had a lot of honey √ Well done on your strong start, Parwin.
6. Who is Valvasor?
He is the master or the leader of the young people that went to the place. √
7. Explain why Valvasor had smacked Denzil on the ear when Denzil
called Mother Wyse “Old Battybirds”.
Valvasor smacked Denzil because it was rude to call an old women that. √
8. How do you think Mother Wyse got to her house so quickly?
Mother Wyse got to her house so quickly because maybe Denzil thought wrong or she used Magic! √ AHA!!!
9. How did Denzil end up living with Valvasor?
Denzil was living with Valvasor because Valvasor did not want Denzil to get into more trouble. √
10.Why does Denzil have to be careful on Spy Wednesday?
Denzil has to be careful on Spy Wednesday because a dragon might come and kill him. √
Chapter 2: Fast Forward to Wednesday
1. In what way are Denzil and Valvasor different?
Denzil is a messy person but, √
Valvasor is a tidy person. √ You have understood the story well here.
2. What did Denzil make out of the clay (using magic spell)
Denzil made this out of clay a small dragon. √
3. Predict: How do you think this creature will affect the story?
This creature will Valvasor and maybe Denzil √
4. What makes Denzil think that it is Valvasor who is in trouble?
Denzil thinks that it is Valvasor who is in trouble because the dragon might kill him. √
5. Why is it important to Denzil that Valvasor stays alive?
Denzil wants Valvasor to stay alive because he does not know much magic and he does not know where to get food so he will starve to death. √
6. Why didn’t Denzil go to London?
Denzil did not go to London because he did not make the potion right. √
7. List some of the ingredients Denzil needed to make the spell.
To make the spell, Denzil used mighty charms, magic runes carved into polished bones, and small goblin shoes. √
8. Where do you think Denzil has ended up? What makes you think that?
I think that Denzel has ended up in another place instead of London √
Because he did not make the spell properly. √ See! Spelling IS important!
Chapter 3: Meeting Sam
Read pages 20, 21 and up to “Jesus have mercy!” he wailed. “God have mercy! I’m dead, I’m dead” on page 22.
1. List at least 3 things that Denzil thinks are strange?
Denzil things that these things are strange peoples voices, the grass, and huge dark shapes √
2. What did Denzil put on his head?
Denzil put this on his head Sam’s mum’s wedding hat or he put on Theresa’s undies. √
3. From the last paragraph, where does Denzel think that he is?
Denzil thinks he is in heaven √
Keep reading.
4. What does Denzel do to prove to Sam that he is in fact a wizard?
This is what Denzil does to show Sam so that he could prove to sam that she is a wizard √ Now you have got it.
5. What kind of person is Sam?
Sam is a tidy and clean person √
Chapter 4: Denzil Gets His Orders
1. Who are Travis and Theresa?
Travis is Sam’s brother and... √
Theresa is Sam’s sister √
2. Who does Sam like best, Travis or Theresa? Why?
Sam likes Travis best because he sometimes lets her go on her motorbike √.
3. Why is Theresa so mad with Sam?
Theresa is mad at Sam because Sam uses her sisters things without taking which makes her sister mad because she sometimes ruins her things. √
4. Why is Sam so mad at Denzil?
Sam is mad at Denzil because Denzil made a huge mess in the tree house and went inside the house. When he came back he was wearing her family's clothes. √
5. Why does Sam feel so cold and afraid?
Sam feels cold and afraid because Denzil is a Wizard and she thinks that He will turn her into something that may cause trouble.
6. How was Denzi able to hide from Sam earlier?
Denzil was able to hide from Sam because he turned himself into a mouse or rat.
7. Why does Sam threaten to ‘punch his lights out’?
Sam wants to punch Denzil because he said no to what she told him to do.
Reread Denzil’s spell on pages 17 and 18.
Invent your own list of ingredients
Make up your own spell so that you can travel
to the year 1291
Publish, Illustrate
Present to the class
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