
Friday, January 10, 2020

SLJ- Last post!

Hello bloggers and welcome back to my blog!
Today, is the last day of the Summer Learning Journey or also the 20th day of the Summer Learning Journey. It has been a long journey but it has gone by really quickly! I honestly don't know what I would have done if I wasn't doing the Summer Learning Journey cause we haven't gone out much and we haven't gone anywhere far like out of christchurch either. But we will be going, we are going to Wellington when my uncle, aunt and cousins come from australia to my house, then we will be going! But that isn't what I'm here for! 

If you don't know what the Summer Learning Journey is, then keep reading on, otherwise, skip to the next paragraph! The SLJ happens throughout the holidays and there are activities for each day. If you complete them and post it on your blog, then you will earn points for them! There are 2 main activities which are both worth 4 points and a bonus activity which is worth 6 points! If you do all of them everyday, then you get 14 points each day! Although it only happens from Monday to Friday and it happens for 4 weeks! Okay, now lets get on with the activities! Here is what I have to do for the last activity!

Activity 3: Concluding the Journey [6 points]

Sadly, the Summer Learning Journey has now come to an end. It is time to reflect on everything that you have learned this summer about people who have had an impact, or changed the world, in some way.
For this activity, please reflect on your experience with the Summer Learning Journey programme this year.
On your blog please tell us:
Which activity you enjoyed the most
Which activity you enjoyed the least
Three things that you learned while completing the programme
What changes/improvements you would make to the programme for next year
*Remember to attribute any images that you borrow from the internet or from other people.
*Please check out the Eye-Catching Blog Posts page for ideas!
I will just do it here!
I think that I enjoyed the activity where we had to write like a a story where I wrote a scary one cause I enjoyed writing it. I don't think thee was an activity which I did't enjoy because they were all different apart from the bonus activity that you would do on Fridays. All of the activities included us to do different things like write a diary entry or find the difference, some were easy and some were hard but they were all fun! I learnt a lot of things but something I know for a fact which I won't forget was the story and learning more about Malala, the story about how Yusra Mardini saved many peoples lives and who Rosa Parks was and what she was known for. There are other things which I learnt along the way, but I know for a fact that I won't forget these! As I said before! I am kind of sad that the SLJ has come to an end but I am also happy because I think that I worked extra hard this year! 
If you were doing the Summer Learning Journey, then I hope you had a great time! For those who were commneting on my posts and giving me tips, thanks a lot for your time! 
I hope you enjoyed! If you have any questions, then please ask! Otherwise, until next time, goodbye!


  1. Hi Parwin,

    Congratulations on completing and final Summer Learning Journey activity and finishing the entire programme! I'm so impressed by the amount of time and effort you've put into working on the programme. You should be very proud of yourself. :)

    Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We love hearing about the activities you enjoyed and what you learnt while doing them. It sounds like you've taken a lot away from the programme this year which is awesome.

    Now that you've finished all of the activities remember to go back and comment on other peoples' Summer Learning Journey posts. For every quality comment you leave you will receive an extra two points! :)

    Happy commenting Parwin, and congratulations again.

    Bye for now,


  2. Hi Parwin! It's Mia here! Wow! Great job on completing the Summer Learning Journey, please (if you get the chance) blog about your journey was (or is) to Wellington! I really liked your feedback on the Summer Learning Journey because you added in lot's of why's!

    I have been out of Christchurch (New Zealand actually) for the entire holidays. What has been your favorite thing about the Summer Learning Journey (it doesn't have to do with the activities!)? I really liked the way that I could create lot's of cool things.

    I don't really have anything for you to improve on! Well, since it is your opinion so I can't say anything! If I don't see you again, good luck in high school!

    Thank you! And awesome work!

  3. Kia ora Parwin!

    I could tell from my email inbox that you have been very busy over the summer holidays. There were so many posts from you, Mia, Alan, Albin and Amelia. I am so pleased to see that you have all engaged with the Summer Learning Journey.

    I found your final post to be thoughtful and interesting. I am pleased you learnt a lot, especially more about Malala. She is so inspirational and I loved reading her biography last year. I have a quote from her on my fridge. I says "One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world." I hope that you take these words to heart as you move into high school. You have the power to change things, even if it is in small ways.

    Peace be with you,
    Mrs Spragg

  4. Hey parwin I like how you have already finished.
    I love you posts.
    It amazing.

    Bye for now.



Please structure your comments as follows:
Positive - Something done well
Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - Give some ideas for next time or Ask a question you want to know more about

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